Light ROM 2
LIGHT-ROM 2 (Amiga Library Services)(1995).iso
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Text File
93 lines
README.TXT for Acuris ClipModel (TM) Library Demonstration File
Acuris - Accurate 3D ClipModels for 3D Users
125 University Av. Suite 125, Palo Alto CA, 94301-1630
Call to order your libraries of ClipModels at (415) 329 1920
This is an example of Acuris ClipModels in 3DS format. You will
find the detail of Acuris 3D ClipModels is unmatched in commercially
available 3D models. The ClipModels are grouped in layers so that
each part of the ClipModel will be separate.
Acuris has a large selection of 3D ClipModels to suit your 3D needs.
Each library is $295.00 and comes with ready to go ClipModels.
1. Interior & Presentation Library - over 50 pieces
Interior Furniture, lights & picture frames
Office Equipment - PC & Mac computers, phone
Multimedia Equipment - camera, microphone & speaker
Manequin - articulated & ready for animation
2. Exterior Library - over 20 pieces
Trees - very detailed
Exterior Furniture - steel and wooden
3. Geography
Globe - Spherical as seen from space
Earth - Flat Mercator projection with depth
TIFF file - Globe texture and bump maps
4. Human Forms - Male by Imagination Works
MAN-MSTR - Man Nude with Clothes layered
SKELETON - Stylized Sekeleton for animations
MNQSTND - Artist's Wooden Mannequim
5. Human Faces - Male & Children Faces & Heads in several expressions
4 Man Faces & Heads - Happy, Neutral, Angry, Sad
5 Children Faces & Heads - Happy, Neutral, Angry, Sad
6. Human Forms - Female by Imagination Works
WOMAN-MSTR - Female model with clothes
SKELETON - Skeleton Stylized for animations
MNQSTND - Artist's Wooden Mannequin
Create a directory for the files and copy the files to your hard disk
from C:
mkdir ACU_DEMO
copy [drive]:*.*
Files distributed for demonstration include:
From Library 1: Interior, Multimedia and Presentation
chrflw.3DS- Frank Lloyd Wright Chair
sofaflw.3DS- Frank Lloyd Wright Sofa
tblflw.3DS- Frank Lloyd Wright table
lmptizio.3DS- Tiziot desk light - it is even articulated
kbrmidi.3DS- Midi keyboard for multimedia presentations
From Library 2:
palmbroad.3DS- Palm tree with broad leaves
From Library 3:
globe_dem.3DS- Partial round globe (North & Central America)
From Library 4:
facemann.3DS- Man's face neutral (medium resolution)
From Custom Terrain Models:
crater.3DS- 3D mesh of crater lake
Image of rendered ClipModels
acurispr.tga - Press Release Image of Acuris ClipModels
You can display it in 3DStudio. (640 x 512)
To order your full Acuris ClipModel Library just call:
(415) 329 1920
You will have your ClipModels the next day !
Acuris also provides Custom ClipModel Services. We can create 3D models
from physical objects or drawings. Acuris has exstensive 3D modeling
expertise to meet your 3D needs. Some of the commonly requested services
1. Create Accurate 3D Models from Drawings
2. Digitize Physical Objects using 3D digitizer or Laser Scanner
3. Take images to slides or animations to video
4. Custom translations between different 3D file formats
Call us with your 3D needs!